Safety Protocols

Safety is the primary – and critically necessary – ingredient in the core values at Alpha to Omega Industrial Precision Maintenance (“Alpha to Omega”). EVERYTHING begins and ends with world class safety practices. Our personnel have served as members on various risk hazard analysis teams during our tenure at multiple industrial sites. Alpha to Omega’s extensive experience working at PSM sites (as well as non-PSM sites) operating systems that contain highly toxic materials have familiarized us with the importance of permit processes, hazard risk analysis, and other critical safety awareness assessments.

Alpha to Omega will utilize its own company-created “Job Safety Analysis” permit for every job, regardless of how big or small and regardless of how simple to complex.  Our Job Safety Analysis permit will be an extension and extra layer of protection to our customers’ permit processes so all aspects of job safety are adequately covered.

Our goal pertaining to safety is to accurately identify all potential safety hazards and deficiencies prior to commencing with our tasks. Our involvement with safety risk hazard analysis includes initiating safety project requests, safety management of change requests, and implementation of numerous safety improvement projects. We strive to identify every possible hole in the Swiss Cheese Model prior to the holes in the Swiss Cheese Model aligning.

Alpha to Omega’s primary goal is to protect its team members and customers, while always being good environmental stewards for the surrounding communities. Quality work with the absence of safety is irrelevant to us so we strictly adhere to the safety hierarchy with the intent to execute the E-C-R (Eliminate, Control, Protect) methodology.

Alpha to Omega will always follow the most thorough and strictest of safety measures.

[1] Definition of Swiss Cheese Model pertaining to safety:

According to this metaphor, in a complex system, hazards are prevented from causing human losses by a series of barriers. Each barrier has unintended weaknesses, or holes – hence the similarity with Swiss cheese. When, by chance, all holes are aligned, the hazard reaches the subject and causes harm.